Community PropertyJoint TenancyCommunity Property with right of SurvivorshipTenacncy in CommonTenacncy in Partnership
PartiesOnly Husband and wife or domestic partnersTwo or more persons (may be spouses or domestic partners)Husband and wife or domestic partnersTwo or more persons (may be spouses or domestic partners)Only partners (any number)
DivisionOwnership and managerial interest are equal except control of business is solely with managing spouse/partnerOwnership interest must be equalOwnership interest is equalOwnership can be divided into any number of interest equal or unequalOwnership interest is in relation to interest in partnership
TitleTitle is in the "community". Each interest is separate but management is unifiedThere is only one title to the whole propertyTitle is in the "community". Each interest is separateEach co-owner has a separate legal title to his undivided interestTitle is in the "partnership"
PossessionBoth co-owners have equal management and controlEqual right of possessionBoth co-owners have equal possessionEqual right of possessionEqual right of possession but only for partnership purposes
ConveyancePersonal property (except "necessaries") may be conveyed for valuable consideration without consent of other spouse/partner; real property required written consent of other spouse/partner, and separate interest cannot be conveyed except upon death.Conveyance by one co-owner without the others break his joint tenancyReal property requires written consent of other spouse/partner, and with separate interest cannot be conveyed except upon deathEach co-owner's interest may be conveyed separately by its ownerAny authorized partner may convey whole partnership property. No partner may sell his interest in the partnership without consent of his copartners
Purchaser's StatusPurchaser can only acquire whole title of community; cannot acquire a part of itPurchaser will become a tenant in common with the other co-owners in the propertyPurchaser will become a tenant in common with the other co-owner in the propertyPurchaser can only acquire the whole title
DeathOn co-owner's death, 1/2 belongs to survivor in severalty 1/2 goes by will to decedent's devisees or by succession to survivorOn co-owner's death, his interest ends and cannot be deposed of by will. Survivor owns the property by survivorshipOn co-owners death the entire tenancy remains to the survivor. This right of survivorship is one of the primary incident of community property with right of survivorship.On co-owner's death his interest passes by will to his devisees or his heir. No survivorship rightsOn partner's death, his partnership interest passes to the surviving partner pending liquidation of the partnership. Share of deceased partner then goes to his estate
Successor's StatusIf passing by will, tenancy in common between devisee and survivor resultsLast survivor owns property in severaltyIf passing by Will, tenancy in common between devisee and survivor resultsDevisee or heirs become tenants in commonHeirs or devises have rights in partnership interest but not in the specific property
Creditor's RightsProperty of community is liable for contracts of either spouse/partner which are made after marriage and prior to or after marriage and prior or after January 1, 1975. Co-owner's interest can't be sold separately: whole property may be sold on execution to satisfy creditorCo-owner's interest may be sold on execution sale to satisfy creditor. Joint tenancy is broken, creditor becomes tenant in commonProperty of community is liable for contracts of either spouse/partner which are made after marriage and prior to or after January 1, 1975. Co-owner's interest can not be sold separately; whole property may be sold on execution to satisfy creditorCo-owner's interest may be sold on execution sale to satisfy his creditor. Creditor becomes tenant in commonPartner's interest cannot be seized or sold separately by his personal creditor but his share of profits may be obtained by a personal creditor. Whole property may be sold on execution sale to satisfy partnership creditor
Presump-tionStrong presumption that property acquired by husband and wife/domestic partners is community propertyMust be expressly stated. Not favoredIf passing by Will, tenancy in common between devisee and survivor resultsFavored in doubtful cases except husband and wife/domestic partners caseArise only be virtue of partnership statue in property placed in partnership